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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We found Sharky McDoogal!!!

The highest rating on the DUMB scale was definitely swimming with the sharks.  This was also, by far, number one on the BTWDY scale.  The "Captain" had to take us out beyond the sand bar in order to swim with the sharks.  This would be into the darker blue water, which is a little scary.  It's probably 50 feet of water, but every time I asked the "captain" about water depth, he answered in meters.  Stinkin' metric system.  It's almost as confusing as trying to convert francs into dollars in my head.  Vacation math = stress.

I was the first one in the water of our group of 7.  So i had the job of fighting off all of the aggressive sharks.  After I was done convincing the dangerous sharks to leave (with my fists), the only sharks that were left were black tip reef sharks, and lemon sharks.  I'm pretty sure we saw a jaguar shark as well, but i'm not an expert.  

You should be able to tell what is what, but I'll explain it to you just in case.  The black tip reef sharks sure have a mouth on them.  The would not shut up, and every other word they said was a cuss word.  The lemon sharks seemed to be shy, and pretty much kept to themselves.  It seemed the black tip reef sharks wanted all of the attention... 

This is the area where we stopped to swim with the sharks.  I'm not sure you can tell, but this is behind the sand bar, that basically surrounds Bora Bora.
The "Captain" said these are called trigger fish.  They all felt a lot better after I roughed up some of the aggressive sharks to make them move out of the area. 
...Shark!  The sharks came really close to us.  I think I was probably within 2 feet of one, or maybe it was meters, I don't know.
This shark was carrying a torpedo.  It was fun to watch the sharks shoot torpedoes at their prey in order to stun their prey before they ate them.
This shark decided he wanted to try and be a dolphin, but he didn't do a very good job.  He did however catch some food in his mouth, that or he ate a seagull.  I was a little worried when the "captain" said he was going to stay on the boat and feed the sharks from there.  It's like I always say when your tour guide won't participate, you might be in danger...
As you can see the sharks are bad mouthing each other and about to get into a fight.  Needless to say, I stepped in and calmed them down, before things got out of hand/fin.
This shark didn't like me intervening so he decided to attack me.  He was near sighted, so every attempt at eating me was actually kind of funny as he wasn't even close to me.  You can tell he's near sighted because if you look real closely, you can see that he has a monocle.
This picture might be the best picture we have for various reasons.  This is actual size!
Here's another shark with a torpedo, and some fish and another shark.  If you look really closely (put your glasses on mom), you can see our stalker fish in the upper left corner of this picture.  We didn't even photo-shop him in.  We just turned around and BAM, there he was.  No respect!
The sharks were actually circling us like when we were with the sting rays.  I feel like they were wanting to eat either me or Victoria, but we didn't let that happen.  We tried to offer the french guy from the other picture, but apparently sharks are picky.
 You can't see him very well here, if you click on the picture to make it bigger, maybe you can see it better.  But this is Sharky McDoogal.  He was probably twice the size of me, but he never came off of the ocean floor. 
Here is one of the shark's torpedoes.  If you click on the picture to make it bigger you can actually see that the torpedoes are solar powered by solar panels on the fish's head.
Here's Sharky McDoogal again. 
These are pictures of tiny baby sharks.  See how big Victoria's hand is in comparison? The sharks were probably like 100 meters away in this picture, but maybe it was only a 100 feet.  Who knows.  But that is my hand.  See my pink watch?
Another boat came to swim with the fish via scuba diving, rather than snorkeling, so all of the fish left to go to the other boat that was not out of food.  Fish are so needy and high maintenance!
And we are on our way back to home base.  We kept getting sprayed in the face on the way back to our resort.  The "captain" wasn't the best driver, but at least he kept us from getting eaten by sharks and rays (even if he did let our stalker fish friends come within 50 feet of us, or maybe it's meters, I can't remember).


  1. Caleb, I think you may have found a new career as a travel/tour commentator. You and Victoria are hilarious! I'm having so much fun on your trip!

    And these pictures are AMAZING!


  2. [This is Velvet, using mom's account since the "comment as" stuff doesn't have anything I can access]

    You guys are SO funny(not that I didn't know that before, of course!) Lovin' the blog so far!! =D
